Hi Everybody here,
I am new to the modelling world and have successfully installed Modeller v6.2 onto windows2000 PC. Got the tutorial to run fine. started modelling my protein. A series of errors I managed to sort out, using the manual, practical article, the FAQ and this list's archive. However, I have had to send in this somewhat simple problem that may have been addressed several times on the list but I have failed to figure out how to get out of it.
I am trying first to align two sequences using align2d like so: READ_MODEL FILE = '1eqk.pdb' SEQUENCE_TO_ALI ALIGN_CODES = '1eqkA' READ_ALIGNMENT FILE = 'PapCys.ali', ALIGN_CODES = 'PapCys', ADD_SEQUENCE = ON ALIGN2D WRITE_ALIGNMENT FILE='PapCys-1eqk.ali', ALIGNMENT_FORMAT = 'PIR' WRITE_ALIGNMENT FILE='PapCys-1eqk.pap', ALIGNMENT_FORMAT = 'PAP'
Then I get the following error message:
iatmcls_286W MODEL atom not classified: ALA:OT1 ALA iatmcls_286W MODEL atom not classified: ALA:OT2 ALA
I have checked all lib files and ALA seems well defined, However, I belive there may be a problem in the ieqk.pdb file which have not touched sine downloading from the PDB database.
Can anybody help