Dear Sir,
    We are starting work with Modeller on the base of "Comparative protein structure modeling with Modeller: A practical approach".
We have a problem with work of the script ''. We obtained the following message:
pntdp___252E> increase MAXRES or gap penalties.
recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR:        1       1
When we removed 'MALIGN3D' command from the script it seems to work but execution of  the next script ''  looked as follows:

Dynamically allocated memory at         amaxseq [B,kB,MB]:      2200483    2148.
909     2.099
TOP_________>     2    2 READ_MODEL FILE = '1f88.pdb'
openf5__224_> Open       11  OLD  SEQUENTIAL  1f88.pdb
Dynamically allocated memory at         amaxbnd [B,kB,MB]:     12194587   11908.
776    11.630
openf5__224_> Open       11  OLD  SEQUENTIAL  1f88.pdb
rdatm___297_> Segments, residues, atoms:        2      643     5069
rdatm___298_> Segment:        1     1 A     1 A     2639
rdatm___298_> Segment:        2     1 B     1 B     2430
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  ALA:OT1  ALA
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  ALA:OT2  ALA
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified:  ASN:OT1  ASN
TOP_________>     3    3 SEQUENCE_TO_ALI ALIGN_CODES = '1f88A'
TOP_________>     4    4 READ_ALIGNMENT FILE = 'korhum.ali', ALIGN_CODES = 'korh
                      ', ADD_SEQUENCE = ON
openf5__224_> Open       11  OLD  SEQUENTIAL  korhum.ali
Dynamically allocated memory at         amaxbnd [B,kB,MB]:     12227463   11940.
882    11.661
openf5__224_> Open       11  OLD  SEQUENTIAL  korhum.ali
read_al_374_> Non-standard residue type,position,sequence:  /      339        1
read_al_374_> Non-standard residue type,position,sequence:  /      645        1
Read the alignment from file       : korhum.ali
Total number of alignment positions:   645
  #  Code        #_Res #_Segm PDB_code    Name
  1     korhum     643      3       1f88A undefined
TOP_________>     5    5 ALIGN2D

Dynamically allocated memory at         amaxbnd [B,kB,MB]:     24499233   23925.
031    23.364
align2d_276_> ALIGN_BLOCK changed to 1.
pdbnam__217W> Filename for PDB code not found:  1f88A
              Directories:  ./
              Extensions :   :.atm:.pdb:.ent:.crd
rdabrk__288W> Protein not accepted:        1
mkapsa__293W> No TOPOLOGY_LIB is in memory. Use READ_TOPOLOGY to read one.
openf5__224_> Open       11  OLD  SEQUENTIAL  ${MODINSTALL6v2}/modlib//as1.sim.m
rdrrwgh_268_> Number of residue types:       20
dispers_247E> Internal error:      642      643
recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR:        1       1
Dynamically allocated memory at          finish [B,kB,MB]:     24499233   23925.
031    23.364
Starting time                                            : 2004/06/21  10:13:11.
Closing time                                             : 2004/06/21  10:13:15.
Total CPU time [seconds]                                 :       3.92
Please suggest what we did wrong.
Thank You.
Marcin Hus
Medical University in Lublin