Hello Frederico Arnoldi!
Thanks for your answer...I have been generating 20 models for my protein of interest, and after evaluating the variability within the family of models, I select one or more models to work with.
This reminds me that I have only an "approximation" of my structure, and also allows me to retain some variability. I then work with these models as one would work with a family of NMR structures.
Does anyone else use more than one model to work with after generating a family with Modeller?
Thank you!
-Charlotte Habegger-Polomat
Frederico Arnoldi wrote:
> Hello Charlotte Habegger-Polomat, > > I am not an expert modeller user, but what I can "share" about it? > I think the number of models generated depends on available time and > computational power you have to carry it. I usually generate between > 100 and 200, and select that model with the lowest "current energy". > Probably somebody could discuss it better, anyway, I tried ;) > > Frederico Arnoldi > UNESP - Rio Claro - Brazil > >