서주현 wrote: > We want to generate models using parallel computing system. > We did some, but file name control was not worked. > "modfile.default(root_name=code)" is used in the auto.py ("code" is > submitted by the argument) > But file name follows the sequence name, i.e. fille is named as > "1fdx.B99990001.pdb" although we submitted the root_name as "out".
You can't change the file names this way. modfile.default() returns a file name, which you can then use in any way you desire. Calling it randomly in your script won't make automodel automatically use that name.
If you really want to change the default file naming scheme, you will have to override the 'single_model' method of the automodel class. Look in the Python automodel code (usually in modlib/modeller/automodel/automodel.py) for details.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker