I have observed an interesting thing with some recently produced models. When I evaluate them using Prosa, they all have excellent Z-scores (-5.5 to -6 for 81 residue protein). The strange part is that the template, also 81 residues long and solved to 2 A, has a Z-score of -4.28. When compared using Procheck, the template and models are just about indistinguishable in terms of stereochemistry, even though they share only 17% identity (40% similarity). Is it "normal" that all models have better Prosa Z-scores than the template, and what could be the reason for this "improvement"?
Thanks for your time,
=========================================================================== | Mensur Dlakic, PhD | Tel: (734) 764-3554 | | Department of Biological Chemistry | Fax: (734) 615-3397 | | University of Michigan Medical School | http://www.umich.edu/~mensur/ | | 5416 Medical Science I | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur | | Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606 | E-mail: mensur@umich.edu | ===========================================================================