I'm using modeller lately, and I haven't had any problems while predicting the tertiary structure of a target using in the multiple alignment sequences with pdb files.
Now that I'm trying to use, only CA files I receive this message and obviously Modeller stops the execution...
> Array too small. Increase MPRMCNS > current maximum, current need: 1393200 1393224
Do you know if this is a parameter I can increase? or what can be causing the error.
Let me explain a little, I'm obtaining these CA files using other methods to find the 3d structure of a given protein X. Then I get obtain all these files X1, X2, X3,... and make a multiple alignment using the same sequence of protein X as the target sequence and the sequences of each X1, X2, X3, that can differ from X in a few residues, as know structures. Then I'm trying to feed all these 3d models of the same protein and the alignment to modeller so I can obtain a refined 3D structure. But I get the above error, any help.
Thanks, Evans