4 Oct
4 Oct
6:44 a.m.
Hi. I was wondering if there is a hard wired maximum size for the number of sequences that can be held in memory. I got this error :
Input/Output Error 192: Record too large
In Procedure: read_sequence_db_module..read_sequence_list1 At Line: 156
Statement: Formatted READ Unit: 11 Connected To: /local/procter/Nrdb2mod7/nr.fsa Form: Formatted Access: Sequential Records Read : 769635 Records Written: 0
End of diagnostics
when I tried to read the NCBI non-redundant sequence database into Modeller (v7).
ta! j.
_______________________________________________________________________ Dr JB Procter:Biomolecular Modelling at ZBH - Center for Bioinformatics Hamburg http://www.zbh.uni-hamburg.de/staff.php