Dear All,
I am trying to install modeller4 on a new PC with Suse linux7.1. After correction of the default HOSTTYPE setting (for some reason it is set to "i386-linux" on my machine instead of "i486-linux"), the "Install" script finishes surprisingly fast (may be due to the 1.2GHz CPU) and without any error messages. Afterwards, modeller can be started (execution of "mod4" without any argument), but when I try to execute the tutorial test cases ("/tutorial-model/run_tops1") I am receiving the following error message from every top-script:
/usr/local/bin/modeller4/bin/mod_i486-linux: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/local/bin/modeller4/bin/mod_i486-linux: undefined symbol: acos
Execution is terminated and the log files of the scripts are completely empty.
Does anybody know, what this means and how to avoid it?
Thank you very much!
Oliver Hucke Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie II Universitaet Freiburg Albertstr. 23a 79104 Freiburg Germany
Tel.: ++49-761-203-6179 Fax : ++49-761-203-6189 email: hucke@uni-freiburg.de