Dear Modeller Users!
I'm using lattest version of Modeller with the Easy Modeller GUI. I'm modelling Green fluorescent protein (GFP) which consist of chromophore heterogroup which is covalently lincked in the middle of the sequence of that protein ( so this HET group is missing in the fasta sequence of that protein- and during sequence-template alignment I obtained GAP in the place where Chromophore group should be).
How I could model this protein with inclusion of the Heterogroup in the final model ? If I try to make my model based on my template ( with missing some regions) ussing of its sequence ( where Chromophore group is absent) I've obtained error like
On other hand in some case I've used template without chromphore groups ( with the mutations for instance where this region replaced with standart amino acids ). In that case I have no problems but my final model lack for chromophore group ( as in the template).
Thanks for help