Hello Norbert,
Try to model the two units simultaneously, altogether. Simply use the whole continuous sequence/structure information. In this case the intersubunit distance restraints will be derived automatically i.e. the units will be oriented similarly as in the template complex and "see" each other. If the two units come from different templates (monomers) there is no trivial solution to guess the proper orientation of them.
Norbert Straeter wrote: > > Dear Modeller users, > > if I want to model a protein consisting of two subunits, how can I include > the already modelled subunit into the calculation when modelling the > second subunit such that new loops "see" the other subunit? I am currently > using the simple scripts from the tutorial of the manual. > > Best regards > > Norbert > > -------------------------------------------------------------- > Dr. Norbert Straeter > > Tel. +49 (0)30 838-53456 > Free University of Berlin Fax -56702 > Institute of Chemistry > -Crystallography- > Takustrasse 6 > 14195 Berlin, Germany strater@chemie.fu-berlin.de > > http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/~strater/ > --------------------------------------------------------------