
After having built my models, i have decided to assess them using the ga341 score. the script i am using is:

# Example for: model.assess_ga341()

env = environ()

# Read a model previously generated by Modeller's automodel class
mdl = model(env, file='.59.pdb')

# Set template-model sequence identity. (Not needed in this case, since
# this is written by Modeller into the .pdb file.)
mdl.seq_id = 30.174

score = mdl.assess_ga341()

the ouput of this script for two different models is:

% sequence identity      :    30.174000
Sequence length          :          531
Compactness              :     0.270804
Native energy (pair)     :  -225.273799
Native energy (surface)  :   -13.946407
Native energy (combined) :    -6.357012
Z score (pair)           :    -9.813731
Z score (surface)        :    -7.147611
Z score (combined)       :   -11.464915
GA341 score              :     1.000000

% sequence identity      :    30.174000
Sequence length          :          531
Compactness              :     0.256617
Native energy (pair)     :  -268.422282
Native energy (surface)  :   -16.727187
Native energy (combined) :    -7.618686
Z score (pair)           :    -9.969647
Z score (surface)        :    -7.755271
Z score (combined)       :   -12.156111
GA341 score              :     1.000000

how do i interpret these outputs? should both scores be 1?
