This error occurs both with Windows and Linus versions of Modeller 8v0 when 'a.final_malign3d = True' is left in the script file. If this statement is commented out and the script is otherwise unchanged, it works just fine. The job gets stopped right at the very end, presumably before the models are fitted to the template.
Similar thing happens when these two lines are in the script:
mdl = model(env) mdl.optimize(optimization_method=3, max_iterations=50, output='REPORT', trace_output=1)
In this case, however, the script dies at the beginning. Again, commenting out these two statements is all it takes to get the job going. I'll send the error messages to Ben only, the whole list probably doesn't need to see them.
Any suggestion/advice is appreciated. Cheers,
========================================================================== | Mensur Dlakic, PhD | Tel: (406) 994-6576 | | Department of Microbiology | Fax: (406) 994-4926 | | Montana State University | | | 109 Lewis Hall, P.O. Box 173520 | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur | | Bozeman, MT 59717-3520 | E-mail: mdlakic@montana.edu | ==========================================================================