Hi David

Thanks. However, my problem is not a different 2ry structure. The well-modeled 3-strand sheet is bend too much compared to the template.
I am looking for something like this:

        #       Use a harmonic potential and X-Y distance group.
        rsr.add(forms.gaussian(group=physical.xy_distance,feature=features.distance(at['CA:77'],at['CA:418']),mean=1.0, stdev=0.5))

Is there a way to select atoms in the template something like at['{structureX/known...}:CA:47'] to restrain the model?



   On 3/28/18 12:34 PM, David Gae wrote:
actually I have minor correction. 

modeller also has restraints for sheets as well. 

# for anti-parallel
rsr.add(secondary_structure.sheet(at['N:1'], at['O:14'],

# for parallel
rsr.add(secondary_structure.sheet(at['N:1'], at['O:9'],
#                                         sheet_h_bonds=5))

On Mar 28, 2018, at 9:30 AM, David Gae <ddgae@ucdavis.edu> wrote:

Dear Dr. Bianchet, 

This may be a possible solution to keep the model similar to the template. You can maintain the secondary characteristics using the command below.
For example, 
# beta-strand residue 1-6 should be an beta-strand
rsr.add(secondary_structure.strand(self.residue_range('1:', '6:')))


On Mar 28, 2018, at 8:35 AM, Mario A Bianchet <bianchet@jhmi.edu> wrote:


The bend of the modeled three strands long sheet differs too much from the template. Independently that perhaps that have meaning. I want to make closer to the template.
It is not clear (or I am missing it ) if is possible restrains between model and template.

Thanks in advance

Mario A. Bianchet, Ph.D.           | bianchet@jhmi.edu
Assistant Professor of Neurology,  | http://abaco.med.jhmi.edu/~bianchet
Biophysics & Biophysical Chemistry | 725 N.Wolfe st, WBSB 608B
                                   | Baltimore, Maryland, 21205, USA
Structural Enzymology              | Phones: +1 (443) 591-7583 (cell)
    & Thermodynamics Group         |         +1 (410) 614-8221(work)
 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine  | fax:    +1 (410) 955-0637
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