Hi everyone,

I am working on the tutorial  http://salilab.org/modeller/wiki/Missing%20residues

I am trying to run the script 1qg8_getseq.py which has 

# Get the sequence of the 1qg8 PDB file, and write to an alignment file
code = '1qg8'

e = environ()
m = model(e, file=code)
aln = alignment(e)
aln.append_model(m, align_codes=code)

I get the following error. 

  File "1qg8_getseq.py", line 4, in <module>
    e = environ()
NameError: name 'environ' is not defined

Looks like python is not reading the modeller libraries. Could you please advise how to solve this error?

Thank you

Sajeewa Dewage