I could not find what the following three error messages mean in the log file.
I would be grateful if you could explain what the causes are and suggest several possible solutions.
Message 1)
getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
residue type, indices: 17 384
atom names : C +N
atom indices : 3127 0
getf_______W> RTF restraint not found in the atoms list:
residue type, indices: 17 384
atom names : C CA +N O
atom indices : 3127 3123 0 3128
Message 2)
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_484W> Dihedral still outside +-90: -90.3341
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
iupac_m_484W> Dihedral still outside +-90: -90.7680
iupac_m_397W> Atoms were not swapped because of the uncertainty of how to handle the H atom.
Message 3)
<< end of ENERGY.
DOPE-HR score : -13843.593750
>> Model assessment by DOPE potential
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified: THR:OXT THR
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified: THR:OXT THR
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified: THR:OXT THR
iatmcls_286W> MODEL atom not classified: THR:OXT THR