Dear All,
We got Modeller running on our SGI Octane with one R12000 processor using the mod_r10000-IRIX6.5-MAXRES=1300_MAXSEQ40 executable of Modeller (the executable for R10000).
However, for one of our projects with large proteins we would like to use a MAXRES-2400 or MAXRES-2500 version (MAXSEQ < 10) of Modeller.
Unfortunately the mod_IRIX6.5_MIPS3_MAXRES=2500 executables (for MIPS3) do not work on the Octane.
Maybe somenone knows whether there is a mod_r10000-IRIX6.5-MAXRES=2500 available ? How could we obtain such an executable ? Is someone in the Modeller community able to generate this executable ?
with best regards,
Ton ter Laak Computational Medicinal Chemistry Farmacochemistry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands tel: +31-20-4447611 fax: +31-20-4447610 email: terlaak@chem.vu.nl