20 Jul
20 Jul
4:51 a.m.
Respected Sir,
I have faced a problem during 3D structure prediction of my target protein of interest. The length of the protein sequence is (1106 amino acids). Sir i have tried to find out some templates for covering the whole query sequence during BLAST or psiBLAST. But there is no any single template or multiple templates are found to occupied this whole query sequence.
Kindly suggest me how to overcome this problem. Thanks in advance.
Research Scholar,
Neuropharmaceutical Chemistry lab.,
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research,
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Email: *vishal.bioinfotech@gmail.com vishal.bioinfotech@gmail.com*
Phone: 91-11-27662778 Mobile: 91+9650736653