Well, I was as surprised as you. It must have been a mistake on the sender's part. But it will be out shortly.
Thanks, Andrej
> Dear Dr Sali > > I just saw a mail on the Modeller usage list about modeller 5.0. I had a > look at the webpage but couldn't see anything about it. Is it yet > available for general distribution? Where can I get information on the > new features? > > Thanks very much in advance > > Daniel Rigden > > > +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > | Dr Daniel John Rigden | > | CENARGEN/EMBRAPA | e-mail: daniel@cenargen.embrapa.br | > | S.A.I.N. Parque Rural, Final W5 | http://www.cenargen.embrapa.br | > | Asa Norte | Phone: +55 (61)348-4741 | > | 70770-900, Brasilia-D.F.-BRAZIL | Fax: +55 (61)340-3624 | > +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ > > >