
I've a question about the DOPE score and the profile plot you can make of it using GNUPLOT. I made such a plot with the files from the basic tutorial. When i do the same for my own data, i don't get a nice plot. I made the profiles using the script of the tutorial and the pdb files of my model and template. The data range of the dope score for each residue is different for my model and the template. So you see the line of the template with the line of the model far below it in a straight line (due to the differences in data range) The final DOPE scores are also different. Does this mean i have a wrong model?
The model i use is the best of 20 generated models and i did check it with procheck and errat. The last one even gives a good score (84) and doesn't shows any black areas. So, what's wrong? Does the dope score not work on my files?



Student Bio-Informatics
Hogeschool Leiden
The Netherlands