Hi, I'm trying to import modeller modules to python in order to create custom scripts for my needs. When I used the 32bit version of ubuntu (or debian), it works perfectly. When I try to run the same script in a 64bit OS, python cant find modeller. I added /usr/lib/modeller9.12/modlib/ to python path, and python can import modeller, but in the /usr/lib/modeller9.12/modlib/modeller/__init__.py it tries to import _modeller module, and that one I cant find/add.

I also added LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/modeller9.12/modlib", with no success. 

I'm using ubuntu 13.04 64bit, but I have this same problem in some other distros, like Mint linux (even 32bit on this one).

How can I locate and add the _modeller module to my pythonpath?

Thanks in advance