Hello again, Jim, I tried your suggestion of using fewer randomizations to run Modeller but apparently, that was not the problem. I'm now certain that my computer can not handle a full run of Modeller. I've switched over to running the program from a server and that made the first part of the tutorial work. Looking at the example in the manual - as I interpret it - the writer suggests that using 20 randomizations would be good for a trial run but real work would require it to be set to 100. Now I am faced with another problem. I have gone through the example in the first tutorial from
and am unable to run the model-single.top script. I am wondering why it will not recognize the files in my directory to generate models. It delivers the following error.
MODELLER 6v2, 17 Feb 2002
Copyright(c) 1989-2002 Andrej Sali All Rights Reserved
Written by A. Sali with help from A. Fiser, R. Sanchez, M.A. Marti-Renom, B. Jerkovic, A. Badretdinov, F. Melo, J.P. Overington & E. Feyfant Rockefeller University, New York, USA Harvard University, Cambridge, USA Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK
Kind, OS, HostName, Kernel, Processor: 4, IRIX64 EBI 6.5 IP30 Date and time of compilation : 07/05/2002 17:12:26 Job starting time (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS): 2003/08/05 22:15:20.967
rdabrk__291E> Sequence difference between alignment and pdb :
STRUCTURE RES_IND ALN_ITYP ALN_RES X_ITYP X_RES -----*----- 1 1 6 GLY 35 ACE -----GSEPIR check_a_337E> Structure not read in: 1 recover____E> ERROR_STATUS >= STOP_ON_ERROR: 1 1
Dynamically allocated memory at finish [B,kB,MB]: 7075381 6909.552 6.748 Starting time : 2003/08/05 22:15:20.967 Closing time : 2003/08/05 22:15:24.899 Total CPU time [seconds] : 0.00
Any thoughts as to why the message reads check_a_337 would be appreciated. I am not sure as to why the file is not being found.
Andrew Latos MMBB University of Idaho
PS Antonio Luque: you are running the program without a script file or .top file to tell it what to do. Look up the link above for sample files to work with. The line you type in may look like
>c:\modeller6v2\bin\modeller6v2 compare.top
I may be wrong about that since I'm not using windows to run the program.
participants (1)
Andrew Latos