Hi list,
Im trying to model a 5 chains protein, wich 3 of them are long alpha-helix. Well, I would like to set some residues as part of these helixes, and a SS bridge. When I try to tell modeller 9v1 to do that (with the enclose script), I keep receiving the following error: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C:\teste2>mod9v1 model_ss_alpha.py 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File "model_ss_alpha.py", line 31, in ? a.make() File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel .py", line 108, in make self.homcsr(exit_stage) File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel .py", line 419, in homcsr self.make_initial_model(aln) File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel .py", line 433, in make_initial_model self.generate_method(self, aln) File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\automodel\generate. py", line 25, in transfer_xyz mdl.create_topology(aln) File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\automodel\automodel .py", line 605, in create_topology self.special_patches(aln) File "model_ss_alpha.py", line 18, in special_patches self.patch(residue_type='DISU', residues=(self.residues['1070'], File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\coordinates.py", li ne 165, in __getitem__ (self.offset, self.length, self.suffix)) File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\util\modutil.py", l ine 76, in handle_seq_indx int_indx = lookup_func(*args) File "C:\Arquivos de programas\Modeller9v1\modlib\modeller\coordinates.py", li ne 50, in _indxres raise KeyError, ("No such residue: %s" % indx) KeyError: 'No such residue: 1070' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What might be wrong?
------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the script:
from modeller import * # Load standard Modeller classes from modeller.automodel import *
# Redefine the special_restraints routine to include the secondary # structure restraints (this routine is empty by default): class mymodel(automodel): def special_restraints(self, aln): rsr = self.restraints # An alpha-helix: rsr.make(aln, restraint_type='ALPHA', residue_ids= ('1118:', '1131:'), spline_on_site=False) # Redefine the special_patches routine to include the additional disulfides # (this routine is empty by default): class mymodel(automodel): def special_patches(self, aln): # A disulfide between residues 8 and 45: self.patch(residue_type='DISU', residues=(self.residues['1070'], self.residues['1122']))
# This is as usual: log.verbose() env = environ() # directories for input atom files env.io.atom_files_directory = './:../atom_files' env.io.hetatm = env.io.water = True a = mymodel(env, alnfile='a6b1lam.ali', knowns=('a6b1lam_model_0.3'), sequence='a6b1_lam') a.starting_model = 1 a.ending_model = 1 a.make()
Aline wrote: > Im trying to model a 5 chains protein, wich 3 of them are long alpha-helix. > Well, I would like to set some residues as part of these helixes, and > a SS bridge. > When I try to tell modeller 9v1 to do that (with the enclose script), > I keep receiving the following error: ... > KeyError: 'No such residue: 1070' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > What might be wrong?
You have tried to refer to residue '1070' but there is no such residue in your model. Since your model contains multiple chains, you must specify the chain ID as well. Perhaps you mean '1070:A' for example.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
Modeller Caretaker