# Homology modelling by the automodel class # # Demonstrates how to refine only a part of the model. # # You may want to use the more exhaustive "loop" modeling routines instead. # from modeller.automodel import * # Load the automodel class log.verbose() # Override the 'select_atoms' routine in the 'automodel' class class mymodel(automodel): def select_atoms(self): self.pick_atoms(selection_segment=('1:', '2:'), selection_search='segment', pick_atoms_set=1, res_types='all', atom_types='all', selection_from='all', selection_status='initialize') env = environ() # directories for input atom files env.io.atom_files_directory = './:../atom_files' # selected atoms do not feel the neighborhood env.edat.nonbonded_sel_atoms = 2 a = mymodel(env, alnfile = 'alignment.ali', # alignment filename knowns = '5fd1', # codes of the templates sequence = '1fdx') # code of the target a.starting_model= 3 # index of the first model a.ending_model = 3 # index of the last model # (determines how many models to calculate) a.make() # do homology modelling