Next, a number of loop models are generated from loopmodel.loop.starting_model to loopmodel.loop.ending_model. Each takes the initial loop conformation and randomizes it by Å in each of the Cartesian directions. The model is then optimized thoroughly twice, firstly considering only the loop atoms and secondly with these atoms ``feeling'' the rest of the system. The loop optimization relies on an atomistic distance-dependent statistical potential of mean force for nonbond interactions [Melo & Feytmans, 1997]. This classifies all amino acid atoms into one of 40 atom classes (as defined in $LIB/atmcls-melo.lib) and applies a potential as MODELLER cubic spline restraints (as defined in $LIB/melo-dist1.lib). No homology-derived restraints are used during this procedure. Each loop model is written out with the .BL extension.
For more information, please consult the loop modeling paper [Fiser et al., 2000] or look at the loop modeling class itself in modlib/modeller/automodel/