Loop modeling test sets

Loop test sets for loop lengths 1-14 residues can be downloaded from this site. The file names are self explanatory.

Each set contains 40 examples. The format of the files is:
PDBcode -- starting  sequential position in PDB -- ending sequential position  in PDB -- sequence in one-letter codes

for the details and average prediction accuracies for each test set please refer to:

Fiser, A.,  Do, R.K.G.,  Sali, A..
Modeling of loops in protein structures .
Protein Science (2000)  1753-1773,

loop test sets (1-14 residue long loops)

Loop test sets and detailed prediction accuracies for every single loop in case of  4, 8 and 12 residue long loops can be downloaded here.

The format of the files is:
PDBcode -- starting  sequential position in PDB -- ending sequential position in PDB -- sequence in one-letter codes -- RMSD local -- RMSD global

(RMSD local: native and model loops are superposed on the  mainchain  atoms (C,CA,N,O), RMS calculated on the loop mainchain atoms)
(RMSD global: the full protein structures are superposed except the loop regions on the mainchain atoms (C, CA,N,O), RMS is calculated on the  loop mainchain atoms.)

 detailed loop test sets (4,8,12 residue long loops)