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MODBASE is no longer under active development, and contains theoretically calculated models, not experimentally determined structures. The models may contain significant errors.
Model Details Example
Database ID: Q12321 This page makes all models and model details for one sequence available.
- The current model is shown prominently
- Additional models are accessible through their thumbnails.
- Use the Perform action pull-down menu for
- Coordinates
- Alignments
- Various ModBase representations
- links to UCSF Chimera
Overview Example
Dengue Virus Models for several sequences are displayed on the Sequence Overview page.
- A coverage sketch illustrates sequence section(s) covered by a model
- The sketch also links to the Model Details page.
Users of ModBase are requested to cite this article in their publications:
MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models and associated resources. Ursula Pieper, Benjamin M. Webb, Guang Qiang Dong, Dina Schneidman-Duhovny, Hao Fan,
Seung Joong Kim, Natalia Khuri, Yannick G. Spill, Patrick Weinkam, Michal Hammel,
John A. Tainer, Michael Nilges, Andrej Sali
Nucleic Acids Research 42, D336-46, 2014.
MODBASE is maintained by Ben Webb in the group of
Andrej Sali, Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences and California Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research, Mission Bay Campus, Byers Hall, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143. Please address all inquiries to