Hello Eric,
>If I read correctly the last 3 sentences of the log file you obtained:
>>malign3d_> Initial framework positions: 9
>>fit2xyz_E> number of equivalent positions < 3: 0
>>recover__> MODELLER_STATUS >= CONTROL: 1 1
> It seems that you tryed to used malign3d with 9 sequences but you told
> us that you have only 8 structures. That is probably the problem,
> because Malign3D works only with structures. Here you included the
> sequence to model, that crashed Modeller. Please Check you top file
> again.
I did. The TOP file only lists 8 known structures. Since no numbers are
specified in the TOP file, I do not know how "Modeller" could think there
are 9. the output does say that 9 sequences are aligned, which is correct,
as the model sequence is aligned with the other 8. I appreciate your help,
but unfortunately it does not seem to solve the problem.
BTW, could you please not use HTML in mail? Although my mail reader can
handle it, many people can only read plain ASCII. Styled text in e-mail is
like a fish on a bicycle.
Thanks again,
Pieter Stouten ||
Computer Aided Drug Design Group || Free advice is
The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company || seldom cheap
P.O. Box 80500, Wilmington, DE 19880-0500 ||
Phone: +1 (302) 695 3515 || (Ferengi Rule Of
Fax: +1 (302) 695 9090 || Acquisition #59)
Internet: pieter.stouten@dupontmerck.com ||
Web: http://www.halcyon.com/stouten/ ||