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Re: Modeling a loop

Hi Rob,

I took your suggestion and it worked!  Thank you very much.  Apparently
there are some bugs in that commercial software.


On Fri, 31 Jul 1998, Robert Jorissen wrote:

> Dear fellow MODELLERs
> I have found that the problem mentioned by  Tom Lee about modelling
> loops only occurs for
> the MSI version of MODELLER and not the academic version. I get around
> the problem by
> putting the following in the TOP file.:
> SET SEQUENCE              = 'aaa'
> SET MODEL                 = 'aaa.pdb'     # initial model of the target
>     :
>     :
> The define_string... line is the only line to be added.
> I can't remember how I trouble-shot the problem as I fixed it a month
> ago.
> I believe this will fix Dr Lee's problem.
> Regards
> Rob
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Robert Jorissen
> Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
> P.O. BOX 2008, Royal Melbourne Hospital
> Parkville, Victoria 3050, Australia
> phone: ++61-3-9341-3155
> fax:   ++61-3-9341-1938
> e-mail: Robert.Jorissen@ludwig.edu.au
> -----------------------------------------------------