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Re: FW: Problems on installation (fwd)

I had faced the same problem when I installed Modeller in linux. It turned
out that the paths weren't set properly in the lines Modeller added to my
.bashrc file. If you can send the lines added to your .cshrc file
(assuming you are using the C shell) maybe I can help you out.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 12:00:21 -0000
> From: "edward grew (BITS)" <edward.grew@bbsrc.ac.uk>
> To: "'bozidar@salilab.org'" <bozidar@salilab.org>
> Subject: Problems on installation
>   I have just installed Modeller6v2 on a Unix system with the path set to
> i386-absoft.
>  make install seems to work fine but when trying to run modeller using the
> mod command i get the following error.
> ? FORTRAN Runtime Error:
> ? Bad file specification
> ? OPEN(UNIT=11,...
>  Any advice on how to rectify this problem would be gratefully recieved.
>         thanks very much for your time
>                Edward Grew

  Raghurama P Hegde                              | Ph: +91 080 3092858(lab) 
  Graduate Student                               |     +91 080 3334268(res)
  X-Ray Crystallography and Biophysics Laboratory|      
  Dept. of Physics                               |    
  Indian Institute of Science                    | e-mail: 
  Bangalore 560012                               | rph@physics.iisc.ernet.in 
  Karnataka, India.                              | raghu_hegde@yahoo.com

I was born not knowing and have had a little time to change it here and there.
                                                             - Richard Feynman