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Re: It`s alive!!!
Luis & all Modellers -
OK, now that you've 'fixed' your problem, I think I've seen this before
as well. In my case, it happened when I had moved my template PDB files
from a PC to my SGI system, and MODELLER did not like the DOS format of
the files. With nedit, if you open the file and then click "File" and
"Save As", it will have a checkmark by MS-DOS Format if that is the
case. Simply click that option OFF and save the file to remove the DOS
PS - I'm still curious about a simple way to set up an MD annealing run
on a final model without any remaining restraints from the template. Can
the developers point me to an example or guidelines in the manual?
Thanks & Happy Modelling,
Thomas M Duncan
Research Associate Professor
Dept Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Institute for Human Performance, Rm 4311
SUNY Upstate Medical University
750 E Adams St
Syracuse, NY 13210