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Re: [modeller_usage] modeller_usage Digest, Vol 7, Issue 54

sanjay singh wrote:
i got success to build a 2chain model with two ligand.I am sincerely thankful to Ben Webb,modeller care taker for all this thing .but now I have another question :P...last portion of my final PDB look like this
ATOM  6730  C  ASN B 852      5.358  41.203  4.902  1.00 44.07      2SG6732
ATOM  6731  O  ASN B 852      5.201  40.108  4.300  1.00 44.07      2SG6733
ATOM  6732  OXT ASN B 852      4.554  41.656  5.760  1.00 44.07      2SG6734
TER 6732 ASN 852 2SG6735 HETATM 6733 S SO4 C 853 2.345 45.702 73.000 0.40 17.18 3SG6736 HETATM 6734 O1 SO4 C 853 1.549 46.638 73.796 1.00 17.18 3SG6737 HETATM 6735 O2 SO4 C 853 3.775 45.879 73.250 1.00 17.18 3SG6738 HETATM 6736 O3 SO4 C 853 2.020 44.340 73.405 1.00 17.18 3SG6739 HETATM 6737 O4 SO4 C 853 2.051 45.892 71.587 1.00 17.18 3SG6740 HETATM 6738 S SO4 C 854 1.214 44.486 35.947 0.40 11.34 3SG6741
here you can see that modeller take HEATATMs as chain C.then my question 
is whether ir hamper the model or not.will it acceptable???
That's fine - the name of the chains does not affect the model in any way.

	Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org             http://www.salilab.org/modeller/
Modeller mail list: http://salilab.org/mailman/listinfo/modeller_usage