Stéphane Téletchéa wrote:
> Although i am well aware of the *nightmare* it can be to follow all GPL
> programs, is there any considerations to produce modeller revisions
> *without* python embedded ?
Only one file in the Modeller 9 distribution embeds Python, and it's not
needed to run Modeller (unless you don't have Python installed, of
course) so if you want Modeller without embedded Python, just delete it
(mod9v7_<EXETYPE>). The bulk of Modeller itself is regular Python
modules which will work with a regular Python interpreter.
I'm not sure what you mean about GPL, because neither Modeller nor
Python are GPL.
> Except for python 3.0, there are only little differences between python
> 2.4 and above, so i'm not sure this will cause a lot of problems.
Since the hard work of Modeller is done using the Python C API (rather
than pure Python code) the module needs to be rebuilt
whenever the API version changes. But this is already done in Modeller 9
- builds include built against the Python 2.3/2.4 API, and
also against the Python 2.5/2.6 API.
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
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