Modeller_Usage Mailing List (by date)
- [modeller_usage] Modeller API 2009/01/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller API 2009/01/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller API 2009/01/06
- [modeller_usage] Adding missing atoms 2009/01/07
- Re: [modeller_usage] Adding missing atoms 2009/01/07
- [modeller_usage] 2009/01/07
- [modeller_usage] help with using created structure 2009/01/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] 2009/01/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] help with using created structure 2009/01/13
- [modeller_usage] Distance Restraints: are they working? 2009/01/14
- Re: [modeller_usage] Distance Restraints: are they working? 2009/01/14
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller API 2009/01/15
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller API 2009/01/16
- [modeller_usage] Need help with automating Modeller flow? 2009/01/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] Need help with automating Modeller flow? 2009/01/20
- [modeller_usage] problems with modem 2009/01/27
- [modeller_usage] Rosetta Academic Training Workshop 2009/01/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] problems with modem 2009/01/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] problems with modem 2009/01/30
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/01/30
- Re: [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/01/31
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/02/01
- [modeller_usage] Fully automate the modelling process? 2009/02/03
- [modeller_usage] No log file output 2009/02/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] No log file output 2009/02/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] Fully automate the modelling process? 2009/02/04
- [modeller_usage] Building a model from multiple templates ? 2009/02/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Building a model from multiple templates ? 2009/02/05
- [modeller_usage] Modeller 9v6 release 2009/02/09
- [modeller_usage] Same alignment + different arch = different structure? 2009/02/10
- Re: [modeller_usage] Same alignment + different arch = different structure? 2009/02/10
- [modeller_usage] Hydrogen name in modeller 2009/02/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] Hydrogen name in modeller 2009/02/16
- [modeller_usage] Academic and Commercial 2009/02/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] Academic and Commercial 2009/02/18
- [modeller_usage] Using modeller with a web form: how topass the provided key to modeller? 2009/02/20
- Re: [modeller_usage] Using modeller with a web form: how topass the provided key to modeller? 2009/02/20
- [modeller_usage] RE : help with residues numbering 2009/02/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] RE : help with residues numbering 2009/02/27
- [modeller_usage] modeling question 2009/02/28
- [modeller_usage] loop modeling based on a template 2009/03/02
- [modeller_usage] Histidine protonation state with allhmodel 2009/03/03
- [modeller_usage] Modeller and DNA-protein complexes. 2009/03/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] modeling question 2009/03/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] loop modeling based on a template 2009/03/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Histidine protonation state with allhmodel 2009/03/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller and DNA-protein complexes. 2009/03/03
- [modeller_usage] Combining steps in Basic and Advanced Tutorial ? 2009/03/04
- [modeller_usage] Completing missing residues 2009/03/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] Completing missing residues 2009/03/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] Combining steps in Basic and Advanced Tutorial ? 2009/03/04
- [modeller_usage] Problem applying two different restrictions.... 2009/03/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Problem applying two different restrictions.... 2009/03/05
- [modeller_usage] Problem applying two different restrictions ...(solved) 2009/03/06
- [modeller_usage] import pylab error 2009/03/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] import pylab error 2009/03/09
- [modeller_usage] Modelling of a copper binding cluster 2009/03/12
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling of a copper binding cluster 2009/03/12
- [modeller_usage] changing the seed 2009/03/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] changing the seed 2009/03/18
- [modeller_usage] refinement of protein-DNA complex 2009/03/19
- [modeller_usage] Subject: refinement of protein-DNA complex 2009/03/19
- [modeller_usage] side-chain chi1 different from the templates 2009/03/23
- Re: [modeller_usage] side-chain chi1 different from the templates 2009/03/23
- [modeller_usage] Rosetta Academic Training Webinar 2009/03/25
- [modeller_usage] question about salt bridge 2009/03/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] question about salt bridge 2009/03/26
- [modeller_usage] R: question about salt bridge 2009/03/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] Filling in Missing atoms for a docking complex 2009/04/01
- Re: [modeller_usage] Filling in Missing atoms for a docking complex 2009/04/01
- Re: [modeller_usage] Filling in Missing atoms for a docking complex 2009/04/01
- Re: [modeller_usage] Filling in Missing atoms for a docking complex 2009/04/01
- [modeller_usage] Modelling a multiheme cytochrome 2009/04/02
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling a multiheme cytochrome 2009/04/07
- [modeller_usage] A problem for using loop models: the metal ions came together too close 2009/04/21
- Re: [modeller_usage] A problem for using loop models: the metal ions came together too close 2009/04/22
- [modeller_usage] Fwd: Multiple Alignment Error 2009/04/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] Fwd: Multiple Alignment Error 2009/04/27
- [modeller_usage] Multiple Alignment Problem 2009/04/29
- [modeller_usage] Need Help with model accuracy 2009/04/30
- [modeller_usage] resolution 2009/04/30
- Re: [modeller_usage] resolution 2009/04/30
- Re: [modeller_usage] Need Help with model accuracy 2009/04/30
- Re: [modeller_usage] Multiple Alignment Problem 2009/04/30
- [modeller_usage] Tetramer symmetry for hERG 2009/05/12
- Re: [modeller_usage] Tetramer symmetry for hERG 2009/05/18
- [modeller_usage] helix model 2009/05/20
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/05/20
- Re: [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/05/20
- Re: [modeller_usage] helix model 2009/05/20
- [modeller_usage] Fully automated alignment and modeling 2009/05/27
- [modeller_usage] alignment file in the PIR format 2009/05/27
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/05/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] Fully automated alignment and modeling 2009/05/27
- [modeller_usage] loop refining of a multi chain protein 2009/05/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] loop refining of a multi chain protein 2009/05/28
- [modeller_usage] how add FE-S cluster in PDB 2009/05/29
- Re: [modeller_usage] loop refining of a multi chain protein 2009/05/29
- Re: [modeller_usage] how add FE-S cluster in PDB 2009/05/29
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/05/29
- [modeller_usage] problem with hetrotetrameric protein 2009/06/02
- Re: [modeller_usage] problem with hetrotetrameric protein 2009/06/02
- [modeller_usage] Modeller output directory 2009/06/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller output directory 2009/06/16
- [modeller_usage] Modeller 9v7 release 2009/06/16
- [modeller_usage] MODELLER BASIC HELP 2009/06/18
- [modeller_usage] restraints loosed after loop refinement 2009/06/18
- [modeller_usage] iterative_structural_align question 2009/06/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] restraints loosed after loop refinement 2009/06/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] MODELLER BASIC HELP 2009/06/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] iterative_structural_align question 2009/06/18
- [modeller_usage] Superposition Problem 2009/06/23
- Re: [modeller_usage] Superposition Problem 2009/06/23
- [modeller_usage] Check out my photos on Facebook 2009/06/23
- [modeller_usage] Homology Modelling homodimer - alignment 2009/06/24
- [modeller_usage] PSC/NRBSC Workshop on QC/MM Methods and Applications 2009/06/24
- Re: [modeller_usage] Homology Modelling homodimer - alignment 2009/06/25
- [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/25
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/25
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/25
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/25
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/25
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/25
- [modeller_usage] Any version without python embeded ? 2009/06/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Any version without python embeded ? 2009/06/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Query 2009/06/26
- [modeller_usage] Aligning two protein sequences. 2009/06/30
- Re: [modeller_usage] Aligning two protein sequences. 2009/06/30
- [modeller_usage] resuming a crashed job 2009/06/30
- [modeller_usage] regarding multiple sequence alignment 2009/07/01
- Re: [modeller_usage] regarding multiple sequence alignment 2009/07/01
- Re: [modeller_usage] resuming a crashed job 2009/07/02
- [modeller_usage] Modeling large protein sequence having homologues with less similarity. 2009/07/06
- Re: [modeller_usage] modeller_usage Digest, Vol 8, Issue 45 2009/07/06
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling large protein sequence having homologues with less similarity. 2009/07/06
- [modeller_usage] completing incomplete templates 2009/07/07
- Re: [modeller_usage] completing incomplete templates 2009/07/07
- Re: [modeller_usage] completing incomplete templates 2009/07/07
- [modeller_usage] Restraints from SAXS data 2009/07/07
- Re: [modeller_usage] Restraints from SAXS data 2009/07/07
- [modeller_usage] Adjust weight of homology restraints 2009/07/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] Adjust weight of homology restraints 2009/07/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] Adjust weight of homology restraints 2009/07/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] Adjust weight of homology restraints 2009/07/09
- [modeller_usage] Modelling Multiple Domains into One Multidomain Construct 2009/07/12
- [modeller_usage] the pdb template has a break in the chain 2009/07/15
- [modeller_usage] import site failed 2009/07/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] import site failed 2009/07/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] import site failed 2009/07/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] the pdb template has a break in the chain 2009/07/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] import site failed 2009/07/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modelling Multiple Domains into One Multidomain Construct 2009/07/16
- [modeller_usage] Error query!! 2009/07/17
- Re: [modeller_usage] Error query!! 2009/07/17
- [modeller_usage] Introducing HETATM ligands into models based on multiple templates 2009/07/20
- Re: [modeller_usage] modeling a fragment of the target and template sequences 2009/07/21
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling a structure 2009/07/21
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling a structure 2009/07/21
- Re: [modeller_usage] Introducing HETATM ligands into models based on multiple templates 2009/07/21
- Re: [modeller_usage] modeling a fragment of the target and template sequences 2009/07/21
- [modeller_usage] Regarding energy minimization in modeller 2009/07/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] Regarding energy minimization in modeller 2009/07/27
- [modeller_usage] restraining bonds between het ligand and side chain atoms 2009/08/03
- [modeller_usage] refinement of model, but keeping close to templates 2009/08/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] restraining bonds between het ligand and side chain atoms 2009/08/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] refinement of model, but keeping close to templates 2009/08/04
- [modeller_usage] query!!! 2009/08/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] query!!! 2009/08/04
- [modeller_usage] query about coil region!! 2009/08/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] query about coil region!! 2009/08/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] query about coil region!! 2009/08/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] query about coil region!! 2009/08/05
- [modeller_usage] how to evaluate which is the best model in "multiple template" example 2009/08/06
- Re: [modeller_usage] how to evaluate which is the best model in "multiple template" example 2009/08/06
- [modeller_usage] Heme in P450 2009/08/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] Heme in P450 2009/08/18
- [modeller_usage] remove short helices 2009/08/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] modeller_usage Digest, Vol 8, Issue 60 2009/08/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] modeller_usage Digest, Vol 8, Issue 60 2009/08/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] remove short helices 2009/08/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] remove short helices 2009/08/22
- [modeller_usage] database with PIR format, help 2009/08/25
- Re: [modeller_usage] database with PIR format, help 2009/08/27
- [modeller_usage] MODELLER behaviour with non-standard residues / HETATM 2009/08/29
- Re: [modeller_usage] MODELLER behaviour with non-standard residues / HETATM 2009/08/29
- [modeller_usage] validation 2009/08/31
- [modeller_usage] Issues Installing Modeller Ubuntu 8.10 2009/09/01
- Re: [modeller_usage] Issues Installing Modeller Ubuntu 8.10 2009/09/01
- [modeller_usage] validation 2009/09/02
- [modeller_usage] Including hetatm when hetatm does not immediately follow ATOM list 2009/09/02
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including hetatm when hetatm does not immediately follow ATOM list 2009/09/04
- [modeller_usage] Loop Modeling using only part of a PDB file 2009/09/07
- [modeller_usage] validation 2009/09/08
- [modeller_usage] Modeling loop from a part of a sequence 2009/09/08
- [modeller_usage] Model evaluation 2009/09/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] Model evaluation 2009/09/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] Loop Modeling using only part of a PDB file 2009/09/08
- [modeller_usage] Sehrish Batool invites you to connect 2009/09/13
- [modeller_usage] Evaluation of membrane proteins models 2009/09/16
- [modeller_usage] Question about Search for templates command... 2009/09/16
- Re: [modeller_usage] Evaluation of membrane proteins models 2009/09/19
- [modeller_usage] Adding a salt bridge 2009/09/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] Adding a salt bridge 2009/09/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] Question about Search for templates command... 2009/09/19
- [modeller_usage] zinc coordination 2009/09/25
- [modeller_usage] How to deal with a part of protein sequence that have no alignment with the template 2009/09/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] How to deal with a part of protein sequence that have no alignment with the template 2009/09/29
- Re: [modeller_usage] zinc coordination 2009/09/29
- [modeller_usage] Helix rotation 2009/10/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Helix rotation 2009/10/05
- [modeller_usage] request a clear method for modelling a dimeric protein 2009/10/07
- [modeller_usage] Help with iterative modelling tutorial 2009/10/09
- [modeller_usage] Parallel modeller 2009/10/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] Parallel modeller 2009/10/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] request a clear method for modelling a dimeric protein 2009/10/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] Help with iterative modelling tutorial 2009/10/09
- [modeller_usage] Modeling ligands in the binding site 2009/10/11
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling ligands in the binding site 2009/10/12
- Re: [modeller_usage] Parallel modeller 2009/10/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] Parallel modeller 2009/10/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] Parallel modeller 2009/10/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] Parallel modeller 2009/10/13
- [modeller_usage] Bad Contacts and Dimeric symmetry 2009/10/15
- [modeller_usage] ubuntu installation with python 2.6 2009/10/20
- Re: [modeller_usage] ubuntu installation with python 2.6 2009/10/20
- [modeller_usage] building a model with zn ions 2009/10/20
- Re: [modeller_usage] building a model with zn ions 2009/10/21
- [modeller_usage] Rebuilding pdball.pir file for mod9v1 2009/10/22
- Re: [modeller_usage] Rebuilding pdball.pir file for mod9v1 2009/10/22
- [modeller_usage] ERROR ALIGN_CODES 2009/10/22
- [modeller_usage] ERROR ALIGN_CODES 2009/10/22
- Re: [modeller_usage] ERROR ALIGN_CODES 2009/10/23
- [modeller_usage] Help with mutation! 2009/10/23
- [modeller_usage] Permission denied message 2009/10/25
- [modeller_usage] Model missing residues in a trimer 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Model missing residues in a trimer 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Permission denied message 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Help with mutation! 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] ERROR ALIGN_CODES 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Bad Contacts and Dimeric symmetry 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Model missing residues in a trimer 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Model missing residues in a trimer 2009/10/26
- [modeller_usage] Stop renumbering of new model 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Model missing residues in a trimer 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Stop renumbering of new model 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Model missing residues in a trimer 2009/10/26
- Re: [modeller_usage] Stop renumbering of new model 2009/10/26
- [modeller_usage] Res: Permission denied message 2009/10/27
- Re: [modeller_usage] Bad Contacts and Dimeric symmetry 2009/10/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] Res: Permission denied message 2009/10/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] Res: Permission denied message 2009/10/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] Bad Contacts and Dimeric symmetry 2009/10/28
- [modeller_usage] Basic tutorial 2009/10/31
- [modeller_usage] Basic tutorial 2009/10/31
- [modeller_usage] Modeling ligands in the binding site 2009/11/02
- [modeller_usage] Tutorial, Advanced example 2009/11/02
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/11/02
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/11/02
- Re: [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/11/02
- [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/11/02
- [modeller_usage] Disulfide 2009/11/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] (no subject) 2009/11/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Basic tutorial 2009/11/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling ligands in the binding site 2009/11/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Tutorial, Advanced example 2009/11/03
- Re: [modeller_usage] Disulfide 2009/11/04
- [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/04
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/04
- [modeller_usage] Selection criteria for building sequence database - pdball.pir 2009/11/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Selection criteria for building sequence database - pdball.pir 2009/11/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/05
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/05
- [modeller_usage] More than one Proline in helix! 2009/11/09
- [modeller_usage] Alignment 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] Alignment 2009/11/09
- [modeller_usage] loops and disulfide 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] loops and disulfide 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] loops and disulfide 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] loops and disulfide 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] loops and disulfide 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/09
- Re: [modeller_usage] Including a Thioester linkage 2009/11/09
- [modeller_usage] Fwd: More than one Proline in helix! 2009/11/09
- [modeller_usage] ...disulfide and loops 2009/11/09
- [modeller_usage] Alignmnet format conversion 2009/11/11
- [modeller_usage] Installation in Ubuntu 2009/11/13
- [modeller_usage] Residue renumbering 2009/11/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] Residue renumbering 2009/11/13
- [modeller_usage] rotation!!! 2009/11/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] Installation in Ubuntu 2009/11/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] Installation in Ubuntu 2009/11/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] rotation!!! 2009/11/13
- [modeller_usage] modelling with ligands (FAD FMN and NADP) 2009/11/16
- [modeller_usage] Installation problem? 2009/11/17
- Re: [modeller_usage] Installation problem? 2009/11/17
- Re: [modeller_usage] modelling with ligands (FAD FMN and NADP) 2009/11/17
- Re: [modeller_usage] Installation problem? 2009/11/17
- [modeller_usage] Mutate and refine residue placement 2009/11/18
- Re: [modeller_usage] Mutate and refine residue placement 2009/11/18
- [modeller_usage] how to assign different template for different regions? 2009/11/22
- [modeller_usage] Modeling ligands in the binding site 2009/11/22
- Re: [modeller_usage] how to assign different template for different regions? 2009/11/24
- Re: [modeller_usage] how to assign different template for different regions? 2009/11/25
- [modeller_usage] HIS and HSE 2009/11/25
- [modeller_usage] atom clashed 2009/11/27
- [modeller_usage] how to enbale mutiple CPU for modeller? 2009/11/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] how to enbale mutiple CPU for modeller? 2009/11/28
- Re: [modeller_usage] atom clashed 2009/11/28
- [modeller_usage] disulfide building problem 2009/12/06
- [modeller_usage] update 2009/12/06
- Re: [modeller_usage] disulfide building problem 2009/12/06
- Re: [modeller_usage] disulfide building problem 2009/12/06
- Re: [modeller_usage] update 2009/12/06
- [modeller_usage] Fw: Re: update 2009/12/06
- [modeller_usage] Modeller on PPC64 with Linux - installation 2009/12/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller on PPC64 with Linux - installation 2009/12/08
- [modeller_usage] Virtual conference Inbix '10: Cfp/Registrations starts!! 2009/12/08
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeller on PPC64 with Linux - installation 2009/12/09
- [modeller_usage] Chain designation in completing a structure. 2009/12/10
- [modeller_usage] rigid.txt for PDBs with multiple subunits 2009/12/10
- Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling ligands in the binding site 2009/12/10
- Re: [modeller_usage] atom clashed 2009/12/10
- [modeller_usage] No atoms were read form the specified input pdb file 2009/12/13
- Re: [modeller_usage] No atoms were read form the specified input pdb file 2009/12/13
- [modeller_usage] distance restraints multi templates 2009/12/14
- Re: [modeller_usage] distance restraints multi templates 2009/12/14
- Re: [modeller_usage] No atoms were read form the specified input pdb file 2009/12/14
- [modeller_usage] ab initio modelling with X-ray data 2009/12/15
- Re: [modeller_usage] ab initio modelling with X-ray data 2009/12/15
- Re: [modeller_usage] Chain designation in completing a structure. 2009/12/15
- Re: [modeller_usage] rigid.txt for PDBs with multiple subunits 2009/12/15
- Re: [modeller_usage] HIS and HSE 2009/12/15
- [modeller_usage] homology modelling vs protein threading 2009/12/19
- Re: [modeller_usage] homology modelling vs protein threading 2009/12/21
- [modeller_usage] mailing list 2009/12/21
- [modeller_usage] Sintax error in script 2009/12/29
- Re: [modeller_usage] Sintax error in script 2009/12/29
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