I used windows XP system, and mod9v7, I can't receive the log file.
If your script file is called "model.py" to run it, click on the
"Modeller" link on your Start menu, cd into the directory containing the
script, and then run it by typing
mod9v7 model.py
A log file called model.log will be generated in the same directory.
By "I can't receive the log file" do you mean Modeller does not run at
all, or the log is displayed on the screen rather than being placed in a
take refernce of the down following, and modify the file of
"modenv.bat"(no "mod.bat" file) change to the style
"%MODINSTALL9v7%\bin\modeller6v2 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > %1.log"
or "%Modeller9v7%\bin\modeller6v2 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > %1.log"
Don't do that. That is a very old post which only applies to Modeller 6.
In version 9 Modeller is not run from a batch file, so that modification
will not work.