Well, I'm not the most expert but if residues are missing they probably belong to a loop thus they probably don't have a fixed structure...
--- Mar 18/5/10, Nicee <nicee.srivastava@imtech.res.in> ha scritto:
> Da: Nicee <nicee.srivastava@imtech.res.in>
> Oggetto: [modeller_usage] [Fwd: to model only specific region]
> A: modeller_usage@salilab.org
> Data: Martedì 18 maggio 2010, 12:39
> -------------------------------
> Original Message -------------------------------
> Subject: to model only specific region
> From: "Nicee" <nicee.srivastava@imtech.res.in>
> Date: Tue, May 18, 2010 3:32 pm
> To: modeller_usage@salilab.org
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hello all,
> I have a pdb file(pdb1.pdb) which is having some missing
> residues like from 89
> to 96 and 137 to 141,etc. I wish to model only this missing
> region such that
> rest of the structure remains the same as in the initial
> pdb(pdb1.pdb). I have
> searched a template(pdb2.pdb) having 64% identity with
> sequence(seq1)of pdb1. Is
> it possible to model the missing residues using pdb2 as
> template but the
> remaining portion of pdb1 remains the same. Kindly
> help.Eagerly witing for
> response.
> Thanking you.
> With regards,
> Nicee.
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