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Re: [modeller_usage] Modeling with multiple templates

On 6/12/10 3:47 PM, sdh wrote:
I want to model a big fibrous protein using several templates. The
templates do not overlap (gap is no longer then 1-3 residues) or overlap
over few residues.

I found the following sentence in the FAQ: "If no additional information
is available about the relative orientation of the two domains the
resulting model will probably have an incorrect relative orientation of
the two domains when the overlap between A and B is non-existing or
short. To obtain satisfactory relative orientation of modeled domains in
such cases, orient the two template structures appropriately before the

My questions are: how precisely the templates have to be oriented? Would
be cursory placing enough?
Orientating the templates will only affect the initial (unoptimized) 
model. Since there are no constraints on the domain-domain interaction, 
the final (optimized) model may not respect that orientation. So you 
would obtain better results if you can add simple additional restraints 
between the domains:

	Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
modeller-care@salilab.org             http://www.salilab.org/modeller/
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