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[modeller_usage] 2 BLK in one model
I'm trying to model a complex of 3 components: a peptide including 2
phosphotyrosines, and 2 signal protein recognizing each one
I have 2 templates, one for each complex protein-phosphopeptide. I've
put each PTR as BLK. But one of the PTR is changed in ASP in my
results, because Modeller change the alignment I gave in my .ali file.
This is the alignment file:
P1;2iuh #Pi3k
P1;2pld #PLC
and this is part of the .out:
read_te_291E> Sequence difference between alignment and pdb :
x (mismatch at alignment position 120)
Alignment ETNE.MDMK
Match *****
Alignment residue type 11 (M, MET) does not match pdb
residue type 3 (D, ASP),
for align code 2iuh (atom file 2iuh), pdb residue number "206", chain "B"
This is the PTR of the template 2iuh:
ATOM 967 CD GLU B 203 28.500 18.086 19.085 1.00 23.93 C
ATOM 968 OE1 GLU B 203 28.474 16.841 18.975 1.00 25.60 O
ATOM 969 OE2 GLU B 203 29.534 18.753 18.901 1.00 25.56
HETATM 970 N BLK B 204 23.987 20.311 19.503 1.00 17.56 N
HETATM 971 CA BLK B 204 23.170 20.645 18.345 1.00 17.48 C
HETATM 972 C BLK B 204 23.958 20.440 17.054 1.00 17.87 C
HETATM 973 O BLK B 204 25.071 20.949 16.905 1.00 17.97 O
HETATM 974 CB BLK B 204 22.668 22.083 18.435 1.00 16.51 C
HETATM 975 CG BLK B 204 21.236 22.165 18.925 1.00 16.28 C
HETATM 976 CD1 BLK B 204 20.236 21.731 18.070 1.00 16.08 C
HETATM 977 CD2 BLK B 204 20.937 22.626 20.204 1.00 15.99 C
HETATM 978 CE1 BLK B 204 18.914 21.746 18.468 1.00 15.70 C
HETATM 979 CE2 BLK B 204 19.616 22.637 20.615 1.00 15.90 C
HETATM 980 CZ BLK B 204 18.643 22.197 19.729 1.00 16.36 C
HETATM 981 OH BLK B 204 17.254 22.157 20.018 1.00 16.93 O
HETATM 982 P BLK B 204 16.513 22.838 21.260 1.00 16.40 P
HETATM 983 O1P BLK B 204 15.064 22.662 21.118 1.00 15.57 O
HETATM 984 O2P BLK B 204 16.982 22.261 22.527 1.00 16.50
HETATM 985 O3P BLK B 204 16.829 24.260 21.166 1.00 17.35 O
ATOM 986 N MET B 205 23.429 19.583 16.187 1.00 17.64 N
ATOM 987 CA MET B 205 24.111 19.203 14.953 1.00 17.33 C
ATOM 988 C MET B 205 23.824 20.152 13.795 1.00 17.59
Do you have an idea of why Modeller switch the PTR of my template?
Many thanks in advance,
Isaure Chauvot de BeauchĂȘne
Ph.D student
Team: "Bioinformatics, Modelisation and Molecular Dynamics" (BiMoDyM)
Dir Luba Tchertanov,LBPA-CNRS, ENS-Cachan
61 Av du Pr Wilson, 94230 Cachan, FRANCE