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Re: [modeller_usage] loop refinement


When declaring multiple known files you declare them within parenthesis as follows.

known  = ( '5fd1' , '1tre' , '1j8h' )

Therefore, the completed loopmodel command would be.

a = loopmodel (env ,
                        alnfile = 'alignment.ali' ,     #alignment file
known = ( '5fd1' , '1tre' , '1j8h' ) , #codes of the templates
                        sequence = '1fdx' )     #code the target

This is the same for other model routines which accept more than one template.

Hope this helps.


On 12/1/12 2:38 PM, Urszula Uciechowska wrote:
Dear Modeller users,

I was trying to use the script for the loop refinement, however I want to use several templates codes.
I tried to add them as:  knowns   = '5fd1', '1tre', '1j8h' ,             # codes of the templates
  and received an error:

  File "loop_model.py", line 13
     knowns   = '1tcrA','3mbeC','2q86A','3c6lA','1j8hD', #templates
SyntaxError: non-keyword arg after keyword arg

How should I specify them?

# Homology modeling by the automodel class
from modeller import *
from modeller.automodel import *    # Load the automodel class

env = environ()

# directories for input atom files
env.io.atom_files_directory = ['.', '../atom_files']

a = loopmodel(env,
               alnfile  = 'alignment.ali',     # alignment filename
               knowns   = '5fd1',              # codes of the templates
               sequence = '1fdx')              # code of the target
a.starting_model= 1                 # index of the first model
a.ending_model  = 1                 # index of the last model
                                     # (determines how many models to calculate)
a.md_level = None                   # No refinement of model

a.loop.starting_model = 1           # First loop model
a.loop.ending_model   = 4           # Last loop model
a.loop.md_level       = refine.fast # Loop model refinement level

a.make()                            # do homology modeling

thanks a lot for your help

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