Dear Amjad,
Thank you for your reply. Following your suggestion, I prepared a PDB file consisting of 1fas and 2ctx structures (from modeller examples) and submitted it to It does seem to work, reporting modeller calculated alignment with RMSD CA of 1.32A ( While it does not report how many pairs were used for RMSD calculation, both the number and visualization seem correct. So now I know that I am doing it wrong :-) but still I am at loss, why? I would be grateful for any hint to get it straight. What I am after is an automated/batch solution for comparing multiple structures. The modeller salign function seemed promising but I was stopped at the simplest attempt and I try to understand how I should use it correctly. The function does calculate the sequence alignment for me and I am able to use this alignment object to superimpose structures, but:
With gratitude,
begin:vcard fn;quoted-printable:Pawe=C5=82 K=C4=99dzierski n;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:K=C4=99dzierski;Pawe=C5=82 org;quoted-printable:Wroc=C5=82aw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry;Advanced Materials Engineering and Modelling Group adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:Wyb. Wyspia=C5=84skiego 27;;Politechnika Wroc=C5=82awska, Wydzia=C5=82 Chemiczny;Wroc=C5=82aw;dolno=C5=9Bl=C4=85skie;50-370;Poland email; tel;work:+48 71 3203200 tel;fax:+48 71 3203364 version:2.1 end:vcard