Hi, I tried to apply the script mutate_model.py to introduce a single point mutation on a protein, and I obtained an error: I'm attaching here the .log file. >From the error message, I see that mutate_model seems to be unable to manage a protein with chain breaks. I can obviously follow the suggestion and relabel the chains of my protein; however, chain breaks are a quite common situation in PDB files, therefore I wonder if there is a way to correct this problem without changing the chain ID as suggested in the log file (which is formally uncorrect since I don't have multiple chains in my protein). Any help will be appreciated. Many thanks in advance and best regards Anna Marabotti
__________________________________________________________________ Anna Marabotti, Ph.D. Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Institute of Food Science - CNR Via Roma, 64 83100 Avellino Phone: +39 0825 299651 Fax: +39 0825 781585 E-mail: amarabotti@isa.cnr.it Skype account: annam1972 Web site: http://bioinformatica.isa.cnr.it/anna/anna.htm
"When a man with a gun meets a man with a pen, the man with the gun is a dead man"