On 11/6/23 7:31 AM, Pedro Guillem via modeller_usage wrote: > I have a PDB with a small protein-DNA complex... I induce a point > mutation in the proteinĀ and then save the mutated PDB. The DNA molecule > remains untouched. > > I noticed my original pdb defines the first base (adenine) with 18 atoms > - but the output modeller builds 21 atoms. The first 3 atoms are added. > > I believe the original input is missing the phosphate group. But I want > modeller to leave the DNA alone the way it is. Is there a way to set > modeller to leave some chains untouched in the output?
It sounds like you might be using the script at https://salilab.org/modeller/wiki/Mutate_model ?
That script creates the output model by first determining its primary sequence (by copying the original template sequence with append_model() then mutating it with mutate()), then constructing the internal representation from the CHARMM topology library (generate_topology()), copying coordinates from the template (generally for the unmutated part of the structure) using transfer_xyz(), then finally filling in any unknown coordinates (generally the mutated residue's sidechain) using internal coordinates (build()).
This usually works fine for unmodified amino acid chains, as generate_topology() will automatically patch the C- and N-termini where there is no peptide bond, but no automatic patching is done for nucleic acids. In this case it sounds like you want to apply the 5TER patch to your first DNA residue using Model.patch() after generate_topology(): https://salilab.org/modeller/10.4/manual/node188.html
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker