meaning of ""

Hi everyone,
I am working on the tutorial in I have my pdb files in C:\Users\Sajeewa\Desktop\protease_project\modeller_practice directory. In the script to generate the model with all residues
# directories for input atom = ['.', '../atom_files']
should this be changed as = ['C:/Users/Sajeewa/Desktop/protease_project/modeller_practice'] ?
I don't understand what it means by
'.', '../atom_files'
Could you please explain?
Thank you
Sajeewa Dewage

On 9/21/12 11:30 PM, Sajeewa Pemasinghe wrote: > should this be changed as > = ['C:/Users/Sajeewa/Desktop/protease_project/modeller_practice']?
That would probably work, although strictly speaking the directory separator on Windows machines is , not /, so you want = [r'C:\Users\Sajeewa\Desktop\protease_project\modeller_practice']
Note the leading 'r' to tell Python this is a 'raw' string. Otherwise the \ character has a special meaning:
> I don't understand what it means by > > '.','../atom_files'
It tells Modeller to look in the '.' and '../atom_files' directories for PDB files. '.' and '..' are the standard names for the current directory and the parent directory, respectively (not Modeller specific).
Ben Webb, Modeller Caretaker
participants (2)
Modeller Caretaker
Sajeewa Pemasinghe