... alignment.2.1
If the residue type is defined in 'modlib/restyp.lib' you can use the 1-letter code that is specified there, but if in doubt use '.', since that matches everything.
... restraints2.2
The restraints include bond, angle and dihedral angle restraints. The SG -- SG atom pair also becomes an excluded atom pair that is not checked for an atom-atom overlap. The $ \chi_i$ dihedral angle restraints will depend on the conformation of the equivalent disulfides in the template structure, as described in [Ε ali & Overington, 1994].
... exception5.1
MODELLER can raise the following Python exceptions: ZeroDivisionError, IOError, MemoryError, EOFError, TypeError, NotImplementedError, IndexError, and ValueError.
... scores6.1
The mean and standard deviation of the DOPE score of a given protein is estimated from its sequence. The mean score of a random protein conformation is estimated by a weighted sum of protein composition over the 20 standard amino acid residue types, where each weight corresponds to the expected change in the score by inserting a specific type of amino acid residue. The weights are estimated from a separate training set of 1,686,320 models generated by MODPIPE.
... 6.2
The target distances were all obtained from a regular $ \alpha $ -helix in one of the high-resolution myoglobin structures.
...http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/. 6.3
Note that binary trajectory files are machine dependent; it is up to the visualization software to do any necessary byte-swapping.