
Multi-state modeling with SAXS profiles

Type PDB code for protein or upload file in PDB or mmCIF format sample input files
Input protein (PDB:chainId e.g. 2kai:A,B) or upload file:
Flexible residues
SAXS profile
e-mail address (the results are sent to this address, optional)
Advanced Parameters
Job name
Connect rigid bodies
Number of conformations Use 100 to test your setup, 10,000 for final calculation
Experimental profile units

If you use MultiFoXS (version main.41fa2d6), please cite:

D. Schneidman-Duhovny, M. Hammel, JA. Tainer, and A. Sali. FoXS, FoXSDock and MultiFoXS: Single-state and multi-state structural modeling of proteins and their complexes based on SAXS profiles. NAR 2016 [ FREE Full Text ]
Contact: dina@salilab.org