Thanks for your reply-
In using both processors for multiple jobs -- would executing the
"mod" command in two separate terminals efficiently use the
processors? Or do you have to use a fancy script/command to have one
job use processor one, and the other use processor two (or multiples
Many thanks for your help,
Doug Kojetin
> Hi
> modeller is not running parallel. The only way to take advantage of
> multiple processors is to run parallel modeller jobs. It is useful
> you need to calculate many models for a protein, let say, with
> alignments, or with various templates. Running multiple modeller
jobs is
> particularly useful if you do loop modeling, since you need to
> numerous models before you select the one with the lowest energy.
> Pay attention that in this case you need to change the RAND_SEED,
> is responsible for random number generation, otherwise you get
> models.
> best wishes,
> Andras
> ------ Forwarded Message
> From: Douglas Kojetin <>
> Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 23:13:47 -0400
> To:
> Subject: using modeller w/ multiple CPUs
> Hi-
> Does anyone know if MODELLER can take advantage of a multiple CPU
> system? If so, how to set it up?
> Many thanks,
> Doug Kojetin
> --
> ,
> Andras Fiser, PhD # phone: (212) 327 7216
> The Rockefeller University # fax: (212) 327 7540
> Box 270, 1230 York Avenue #
> New York, NY 10021-6399, USA #