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Re: OSF versions of 6v0 and 6v2 give illegal instruction error
Can you verify that this happens with exactly the same top file, on exactly
the same machine, with exactly the same OS/kernel version. You can download
6v0, 6v1, and the latest 6v2 of our web site.
If you can reproduce the error like I mentioned above, then please send me a
whole tar-ball, and I'll try to test it here.
> The 6v0 and 6v2 versions of modeller
> for Digital Unix (OSF) yield an
> "Illegal instruction - core dumped"
> message on all of my OSF machines
> at various version levels (V4.0F for example).
> Earlier versions of modeller worked
> on these machines. Has anyone else
> seen this? Is there a fix?
> Bob Williams