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Re: Redhat 8.0 Error

> > Since gcc libraries are different MODELLER will not work under 8.0. I will

That's not totally true. I've installed MODELLER 6.1 under redhat 8.0 and 
its working fine. 


> > work on this problem soon. 8.0 is not reliable OS yet, so I would advise not
> > to rush to it.

   Raghurama P Hegde                    | Ph: +91 080 3092858(lab) 
   Graduate Student(Biocrystallography) |     +91 080 3334268(res) 
   Dept. of Physics                     |    
   Indian Institute of Science          | e-mail: 
   Bangalore 560012                     | rph@physics.iisc.ernet.in 
   Karnataka, India.                    | raghu_hegde@yahoo.com

I was born not knowing and have had a little time to change it here and there.
                                                             - Richard Feynman