I apologize for the confusion. MODELLER for Win doesn't use installation
script. Instructions how to install it are given in the readme file that you
will find in the root directory.
I am also enclosing recent post from the list .
> Dear Bozidar,
> I downloaded modeller6v2.zip for Win XP, but after unzipping I can't find an
> installation script file in directory ./modeller6v2. Could you help in this
> case?
> Yours sincerely,
> Alexander Petrenko
> The University of Alabama
> (Kevin Redding lab)
Bozidar Yerkovich, PhD
Rockefeller University
New York, NY, 10021, USA
I really haven't tried installing anything under XP, but this procedure
worked for Win95/98/ME. Instead of having 'modenv.bat' (usually in
$SOMETHING\MOD6V2\BIN directory) called from the autoexec.bat (which I
think works on Win98), put all the lines from modenv.bat directly into
autoexec.bat - something like this:
set LIBS_LIB6v2=%MODINSTALL6v2%\modlib\libs.lib
set EXECUTABLE_TYPE6v2=i386-windf
Does XP even have autoexec.bat? If not, there must be some system file
where startup variables can be defined. After that, the only thing needed
in mod.bat file is something like this:
@echo off
%MODINSTALL6v2%\bin\modeller6v2 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 > %1.log
Needles to say, mod.bat should be in the directory that is included in
the PATH.
PS It may be that your archive was unpacked without preserving the
directory structure, which would explain the non-existing 'bin' directory.
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Simon P Gough wrote:
|>Dear Modellers & Bozidar & team
|> (Sending against think it got lost)
|> Thanks for sending the key for the program .
|> As a computer illiterate I find it hard to
|>understand how to install modeller under Windows XP (1.7GHz Athlon
|>processor, 1.5mB RAM) using the instructions given on the Web site.
|>After unpacking the zip file to C:\ Modeller6v2
|>Then I setenv "KEY_MODELLER6v2" to "E-mailed value"
|> setenv MODINSTALL6v2 C:\modeller6v2 Why ?
|> setenv LIBS_LIB6v2 $MODINSTALL6v2/models.lib (I guessed it
|>might be this one ??)
|> set path=($path $MODINSTALL6v2) OK -left out the
|>non-existent "bin" directory ??
|> set limit stacksize unlimited Not accepted by program
|>-not done
|>I could not then run the program with the command "Install" or
|>"modeller6v2.exe" Or "make install"
|>Could anyone please help me . It would be great to be able to use this
|>program. Thanks!
|> Simon Gough
| Mensur Dlakic, PhD | Tel: (734) 764-3554 |
| Department of Biological Chemistry | Fax: (734) 615-3397 |
| University of Michigan Medical School | http://www.umich.edu/~mensur/ |
| 5416 Medical Science I | http://myprofile.cos.com/mensur |
| Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606 | E-mail: mensur@umich.edu |