This is a good idea. I am in the St. Louis area. We are strugelling also
with it. A lot of it has to do with the documentation. And the examples.
I have gotten it to work but basicly one needs to change every thing from
the directions. atm files are actually pdb so get your structure from the
pdb blast and then change the file to a .atm. Then creat your own atom
directory. Any how once we figured that out it has gotten a lot easyer.
But I think we could get a hold of some one to meet at University of Ill.
In Champaign Urbana. Its a good half way point. between Chicago and STL.
And a lot of people there would use it too. And at SIUE carbon dale. We
already work with U of Ill. here at the danforth center. And Wash U. Heck
people at Monsanto has asked me about this. There is a lot of people that
could benefit from a get together. then we can do a better documentatin.