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RE: too many helices

This is probably due to a very large dimension of the whole system (relative
to the number of atoms). I suggest you email me your input file so I can
narrow down the problem.

Best, Andrej

Andrej Sali, Professor
Departments of Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and 
    California Institute for Quantitative Biomedical Research
Mission Bay Genentech Hall
600 16th Street, Suite N472D
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-2240 (CA 94107 for direct delivery by courier)
Tel +1 (415) 514-4227; Fax +1 (415) 514-4231
Tel Assistant +1 (415)514-4228; Lab +1 (415) 514-4232,  4233, 4239
Email sali@salilab.org; Web http://salilab.org

> -----Original Message-----
> From: yinja@email.uc.edu [">mailto:yinja@email.uc.edu] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 5:28 PM
> To: sali@salilab.org
> Subject: too many helices
> Hi, Dr. Sali,
> i am running a modeller job, in which there are 45 segment to 
> enforced to form helix. the job log file complained as 
> folllows: 
> ===============================================================
> TOP_________>   173  132 MAKE_RESTRAINTS RESTRAINT_TYPE = 'distance', 
>                       TS = 'ON'
> make_re_417_> Restraint type to be calculated:  distance
> cnctarea_E> Too many cubes. Increase MAXCUBES. kjidim, 
> maxcubes:    239250     
> 50000 ===============================================================
> how do i do to by-pass it? two similar jobs have been done 
> with few number of helices restraints. thanks. 
> Jian Yin
> post-doc
> university of cincinnati